Minnesota Mysteries: A History of Unexplained Wonders, Eccentric Characters, Preposterous Claims & Baffling Occurrences in the Land of 10,000 Lakes


Discover some of the most captivating mysteries in Minnesota history, from a sea lion on the lam to a clairvoyant in the courtroom to the tale of a Titanic survivor

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Any Minnesotan worth his lutefisk has heard of the Kensington Runestone. But have you heard of Victor Setterlund? In 1949, he uncovered another runestone less than ten miles away. How about Newmann the Great? In 1909, the Kenyon-born illusionist astonished Minneapolitans by driving a team of horses blindfolded across town to find a key hidden in a drugstore safe at Lake and Nicollet. How about little Mary Weinand? In 1915, her father demanded justice when the “meanest boy” at her one-room schoolhouse in Corcoran cut off her luxurious auburn curls. These little-known stories, along with dozens more culled from Minnesota newspaper archives, are presented here in their original form.

Contributor(s): Welter, Ben (Author)
ISBN: 1626193622 EAN: 9781626193628
Publisher: History Press (SC)
Pages: 159
Binding: Hardcover or Paperback
Pub Date: November 19, 2013

Additional information

Weight 0.6 lbs
Dimensions 8.9 × 5.9 × 0.5 in



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